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Supervisor Info

Becoming a Supervisor

For the requirements  and application to become a MN Board Approved Supervisor, visit the MN MFT Regulatory Board’s website:

Click here for comprehensive information about becoming an AAMFT Approved Supervisor.

Regulatory Board Response to Professional Firms Act

Pre-licensed individuals and their supervisors have been asking how to comply with the Minnesota Professional Firms Act (MPFA). This law stipulates pre-licensed individuals cannot provide marriage and family therapy services as the owner of a corporation, limited liability company (LLC), or limited liability partnership (LLP). 

Pre-licensed individuals who practice under their own LLC might be worried how this could impact their path to licensure. So we asked the Minnesota Board of Marriage and Family Therapy (BMFT/Regulatory Board) how they interpret the MPFA and, theoretically, how they would respond to someone who is not in compliance with the MPFA.

The Regulatory board stated their initial response would be to provide education, and recommend legal support, to help the applicant or LAMFT bring their practice into compliance. Specifically they stated “a complaint investigation is not opened and would not occur absent evidence of repeated noncompliance after receiving information about statutory requirements.”

We encourage individuals impacted by this to read the BMFT’s full response HERE

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