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  • Assessing for and Treating Childhood Trauma in Adult Clients | 2.0 CEUs

Assessing for and Treating Childhood Trauma in Adult Clients | 2.0 CEUs

  • March 28, 2024
  • 9:00 AM
  • December 31, 2024
  • 11:00 AM
  • Virtual webinar



Kayla Estenson Williams, MA, LMFT

Presenter Bio: Kayla is a local therapist who runs a small group practice, Minnesota Attachment Collective. She is passionate about supporting clients in navigating attachment trauma, fertility challenges, and perinatal mental health. Kayla utilizes parts work, narrative therapy, mindfulness approaches, and somatic techniques with her clients. She is also a MN Board Approved LMFT supervisor driven towards helping new clinicians grow in the field and build a career authentic and supportive to them.

Description: Many clients who present to therapy with concerns around anxiety, depression, or adjustment difficulties have underlying attachment wounding that contributes to their experiences around mental health. Yet, these can often be missed if we are just focusing on current presenting symptoms. Working to support clients in healing and long-term growth often requires unpacking their attachment history and exploring how this may be impacting their present day concerns. These experiences are often conceptualized as Complex Trauma, Attachment/Childhood Wounds, or Generational Trauma. When a client presents with awareness about these wounding experiences, it may be easier for us as therapists to conceptualize how past trauma impacts their present day challenges. But, often, clients may not be aware of the impact of past experiences- or even view their childhood as mostly positive and dismiss moments of wounding. In this presentation, we will review common attachment wounding experiences, how to assess for them with clients, and how to treat childhood trauma in our adult clients. Here, you will learn to apply therapy techniques you may already be familiar with (such as parts work, narrative techniques, and mindfulness/somatic practices) with the clients you work with- and have a framework from which you can more comfortably explore future therapeutic growth in treating trauma.


1. Learn how to assess for attachment wounds/childhood trauma in adult clients

2. Learn how to communicate the impacts of childhood trauma to adult clients

3. Learn foundational techniques in treating attachment wounds/childhood trauma in adult clients.

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