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  • Introduction to Brainspotting: A Revolutionary Somatic Psychotherapy | 2.0 CEUs

Introduction to Brainspotting: A Revolutionary Somatic Psychotherapy | 2.0 CEUs

  • February 22, 2024
  • 9:00 AM
  • December 31, 2024
  • 11:00 AM
  • Virtual webinar



Mariya Javed-Payne MSW, LICSW, LADC

Presenter Bio: Mariya Javed-Payne is a Minnesota-based Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, and International Brainspotting Trainer and Consultant. She is the owner of Awaken Consulting Services, where she offers somatic therapy intensives for complex PTSD and addictions, as well as training and consulting on the topics of cutting edge PTSD and addiction treatments. She has over 13 years of experience working with SPMI and addictions and leading teams of mental health professionals in various settings. Her passion is offering depth of heart and human connection as well as therapeutic methods that have a strong basis in neuroscience. She identifies as a somatic abolitionist working to dismantle oppressive forces within systems as well as within our bodies.

Description: Brainspotting is a powerful, focused treatment method that works by identifying, processing and releasing core neurophysiological sources of emotional/body pain, trauma, dissociation and a variety of challenging symptoms. Brainspotting is a simultaneous form of diagnosis and treatment, enhanced with BioLateral sound, adn can be adaptable to almost all areas of specialization. Brainspotting identifies activated eye positions designated as Brainspots through identifying and locating somatic activation around an issue. Once located, Brainspotting utilizes focus on these eye positions to mindfully observe and process the physiological and emotional experience held within, allowing clients to discharge truncated survival reflexes stored in the body and return to homeostasis. Brainspotting's core foundations includes a strong emphasis on relational and neurobiological attunement, which sets the frame for clients to process difficult issues in a contained way, including clients who experience dissociation. Brainspotting provides therapists with powerful tools to enable their patients to quickly and effectively process through the deep brain sources of many held traumas, emotional, somatic and performance problems.


1. Identify 4 ways that trauma can be defined or show itself

2. Understand the neurobiological underpinnings of Brainspotting

3. Understand the theory and principles of Brainspotting.

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